First-time visitors to your home will naturally make an immediate judgement on it based on the look of your entranceway. An elegant entranceway like this one can only impress now that it has a fashionably grey coloured composite door and new replacement windows. The composite door boasts an Italian inspired design and comes with an accompanying door panel that houses several glass windows to sparkling effect. With two chrome handles on both sides of the door and a chrome letterbox, it is a real attention-grabber and most definitely benefits from that grey finish.
Focus was also given to modernising the back of the house. Fitting grey UPVC French doors makes reaching the patio that bit easier. A gentle turn and push of the handle causes the doors to beautifully open outwards or you could just keep them closed and stare in wonderment at the outdoors through the glass. The old bathroom window has gone and been replaced with a UPVC window containing frosted glass. Putting frosted glass in there will stop anyone from seeing what’s going on inside. This property has had a whole new lease of life now that numerous grey coloured UPVC products are a part of the home’s DNA.
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