Roofline Facsias, Soffits & Bargeboards...
The roofline of your home may seem somewhat inconsequential in comparison to the many other areas of the property but the soffits, fascias, cladding and bargeboards should carry equal importance to everything else. When roofline begins to age it starts to have an adverse effect not only on your home’s appearance, but also on its overall performance.
The moment your instinct tells you that your roofline has progressed beyond its best you should exchange it for UPVC replacement roofline. You will never find yourself faced with the same situation again as our roofline is entirely maintenance-free and a permanent strong performer.

Full Replacement or Cap Over?
Too often we have seen customers having capping boards fitted over existing softwood / timber fascias rather than having the old rotten timber completely removed and replaced with uPVC fascias. This may seem the more cost effective option when presented to you in the short term, but over the long run is it really such a good idea? The rotten wood hasn’t gone anywhere; it is still there, deteriorating even more each year. Eventually the nails will come loose due to rotted and infested wood, leaving your fascias exposed and unsecured.
Softwood Timber – As we all know, wood is a very porous material. Once water has breached the outer layer, it is only a matter of when and not if it will need replacing. This then paves the way for woodworm and structural damage.

Roofline Fascias & Soffits in high quality UPVC...
Most homes in Scotland have fascias, soffits and bargeboards, and many have panels of softwood timber cladding. As with timber windows, these need regular expensive maintenance with painting or ongoing repairs – and it takes a lot of time and effort to maintain these hard to reach areas.
UPVC rooflines will not rot, will never need painting, will not discolour and will remain maintenance free for many years to come – requiring the occasional clean with warm soapy water.

UPVC Bargeboards are the ideal replacement to the softwood timber...
So that roof lining can be kept in place and roof timbers stay disguised to prevent the chances of any holes or gaps appearing you must have some reliable bargeboards in place as they play an important role.
UPVC bargeboards are your best option as they have a weather-resistant exterior and you will never have to go to the trouble of repainting them.

Guttering and downpipes made from the strongest, virtually maintenance free UPVC
There are many different types of roofline and few as important as the guttering and downpipe system you have fitted. So that you get the right form of guttering for your home we have produced it in five designer styles and four colour options. We love leaving our customers overwhelmed for choice when buying new UPVC guttering.

Cladding in UPVC is a cost effective way to transform your home...
We’re not going to lie, cladding won’t be the most exciting home improvement that you ever buy but it could prove to be as essential as any other part of your roofline. You will immediately come to realise it when replacing timber cladding with UPVC cladding as it exceeds it on every level. Its quality will come to the fore and you’ll be extremely glad of its presence.

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