Original Sash and Case windows are one of the key features of a traditional property.
As beautiful as they look, a high proportion of Sash and Case windows are now in need of attention or replacement. Many are painted closed or difficult to open which can cause ventilation problems and could also prevent escape in the event of a fire. Lack of maintenance in terms of painting is common, resulting in decaying timber which can be treated in the early stages. Other common issues include ice cold draughts, rattling sashes and poor noise insulation.

If the option of repairing your Sash and Case Windows is found to be feasible, then we take care of everything.
We remove loose paint, lightly sand down the existing windows and make repairs where necessary. Ironmongery can be restored or replaced if required in keeping with the original. The pulleys are serviced or replaced and new sash cord tied to the weights returning the windows to their original functionality. Finally our painters can fully finish the windows in your chosen colour or stain.

Reduce icy draughts and noise reduction...
When restoring your windows it usually makes sense to install our draught proofing around the perimeter of each sash to reduce icy draughts and also have a positive impact on noise reduction. The draughty proofing also allows your windows to glide more freely.

Our exclusive Slimtec double glazing can reduce your heating bills and reduce traffic noise...
Our Slimtec double glazed units are glazed into your existing sash windows and have been designed to comply with the Revised Edinburgh Planning Guidance which was approved in early December 2010.
Once the Slimtec double glazing is installed we will also balance your sash windows to ensure they slide with total ease.

Simply fill in your details for your free, no obligation quotation, and click “Get Quote”